Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Rundown

First of all, a little bit about me. I don't like nor get into politics, however I am the type of person that likes to be "in the know". I always like to know what's going on in the world. So I've started this blog to give and bring a new perspective about the presidential race. Now that you know a bit about me, here's the rundown.

I'll touch base with just half of the candidates: Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, and Michele Bachmann.

Mitt Romney

His Stats:
Vast personal fortune, successful private career, a perfect family life, sharp mind, and a charismatic personality. A Michigan native and an all-rounder in school. Graduated high school in 1965 and enrolled in Brigham Young University where he graduated in 1971 with a Degree in English. Then he enrolled in Harvard Business School where he obtained his MBA in 1975 as well as graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School with his Juris Doctor the same year, finishing in the top 5% of his class.

My take:
Comes off as the "militarizer" of the group. He wants everything from wire taps to ten thousand more active troops. Even though the religion card has already been dealt against him, so far he seems to do a good job just brushing it off.

Rick Perry

His Stats:
Longest serving Texan Governor in history, former Air Force captain, nationalist, and fiscal conservative. Graduated high school in 1968, he was accepted and enrolled at Texas A&M the next year where he received his Degree in Animal Science in 1972 prior to joining the Air Force. An interesting history from when he won the State Representative seat to winning the Lt. Governor seat and then becoming Governor of Texas when George Bush Jr. became president.

My take:
The "Pastor" in the group. Being from Texas like both Bush Jr. and Sr., has substantial policies concerning immigration and border security. After saying that, one word comes to mind - "isolationism". Even though he is against having a "wall" as a border with Mexico saying, "all it will do is help the ladder business", building it 30-50 feet tall would definitely help deter them using ladders.

Herman Cain

His stats:
First and foremost a business man - board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, director of business analysis for Pillsbury, and CEO of the National Restaurant Association. Served in the Navy full-time while working on a Masters in computer science at Purdue.

My take:
The man with the 9-9-9 plan (9-0-9 plan now). Weather he gets it from the simulation computer game "Sim City" or maybe that's how much he sold pizzas for as CEO of Godfathers Pizza ($9.99), I for one would not like to have to pay a 9% sales tax or a 9% income tax (0% if under poverty line). Currently I'm paying a 7% sales tax and that's bad enough already. Take the income tax away and people would have more money to spend. When he was questioned about "Occupy Wall Street", his response was "If you're not rich or you don't have a job, it's your own fault." In my opinion, he comes off as arrogant and ignorant.

Ron Paul

His stats:
A lot of experience in the healthcare industry as a physician. A B.S. in biology and a Doctor of Medicine degree holder as well as former flight surgeon for the Air Force and National Guard.

My take:
I guess you could call him "the stubborn one of the bunch". What I like about him is that he want's to get rid of the gas tax, want's energy independence, cut government spending, possibly cut the government down in size, and he's for civil liberties. Don't know if I approve him wanting to bring back having prayers at public schools, but it wouldn't be required.

Jon Huntsman

His stats:
Former ambassador to Singapore and China, Jon Huntsman is used to traveling around the world. During his early years, he dropped out of high school to pursue his passion as a keyboard player in the rock band Wizard (which sounds like a classic rock and roll dream), though he did get his GED later.

My take:
The "Harley" guy of the group. I don't think he still hasn't answered which one he rides: softail or fat boy. Being a former ambassador to China as well as Singapore I would think he has a lot of foreign affairs and policies experience. Like me he is a high school dropout and got his G.E.D. a few years later. He's on the side of NRA and the second amendment. I do like his tax plan and issues concerning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the U.S. Patent Office.

Michele Bachmann

Her stats:
She is well educated with a B.A. from Winona State University, a J.D. degree form Oral Roberts University, and an LL.M. in tax law from William & Mary School of Law. She is pro-life, against abortions, and is against school-to-work programs.

My take:
The only woman of the group and possibly the first one to become president. I like her ideas about immigration as well as amending Title 2 of the Social Security Act so illegal immigrants can't collect social security. She's for downsizing the government, tax cuts, and the second amendment.

An interesting lineup, but I would like to hear any thoughts about the candidates as well as the race.

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